Generally for the commercial buildings, there are two pathways for energy compliance:

  • Deemed to Satisfy (DTS) provisions: you must follow exactly what NCC defines for your building with no exception. This includes the level of insulation to the walls or ceilings, windows specifications and efficiency of boilers and chillers. This method is rigid and you must follow it all no matter the cost of the construction or the applicability of the requirements.
  • Performance Solutions: using this pathway, you can go beyond the DTS requirements. This means you can install a used chiller, maintain your old chiller in a major alteration/extension project, reduce the cost of glazing by adding more insulation elsewhere, or exclude the existing walls for insulation by installing a lower-cost energy saving measure elsewhere in the building. This can be all done cost-effectively using JV3 Verification Method. There are also other alternative solutions such as JV2 and NABERS Commitment agreement.