What are the Performance Requirements for timber studs and rafters?
For residential dwellings, NCC Vol 2.0 does impose any requirements [...]
For residential dwellings, NCC Vol 2.0 does impose any requirements [...]
The Performance Requirements for purlins and rafters differ between residential [...]
The Performance Requirements for metal stud walls and girts differ [...]
To calculate thermal bridging in purlins and rafters, use the [...]
A furring channel that is also known as hat channel [...]
Battens are narrow strips of material that are often made [...]
Studs are vertical structural elements used in wall framing, however, [...]
Rafters are sloped beams that support the weight and shape [...]
Rafters are sloped beams and run vertically from the ridge [...]
The energy use budget or target energy value is calculated based on the total floor area of the apartment or house and its location.
Unlike the older standards, the new GEMS standard is location-dependent and the rating system depends on the climate zone the building is located in and separates the ratings for hot, cold or mixed climate zones.
water heaters can be eligible to generate Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) under Australia’s Renewable Energy Target.
Among these methods, NatHERS energy rating methods prove to be more accurate, connected with the energy demand of the house, more detailed and more inclusive
Installing photovoltaics helps residential buildings achieve the score required to achieve compliance with the new Whole of Home standard.
Apart from buildings located in NSW, all other residential dwellings and apartments are considered to adopt the new Whole of Home standard introduced by NCC 2022.
No. NSW government has a different scheme for residential building performance and energy use that is BASIX.
The minimum rating for a Class 1 building is 60, and for a Class 2 and Class 4 part of the building is 50.
Yes. Class 2 apartment buildings require a Whole of Home rating of 50.
The latest NatHERS Technical Note sets the information for default appliances to use. The minimum information you need is the type and energy source of water heating and cooking appliances.
There are no strict requirements for space heating and cooling appliances. However, the more efficient the air conditioning system, the lesser the energy value of the building.