Feel free to navigate through our articles and past experience on energy modelling.

  • facade calculator, glazing calculator, performance solution, alternative solution, daylight modelling, cfd modelling, esd, bess, storm, sda report, smp report, energy compliance, energy efficiency, green star, jv3, nathers, star rating, vurb, nabers, gbca, ncc 2022, BCA, equipment efficiency, COP, EER, jv3 assessment

    The Power of Performance: All About Equipment Efficiency

    The Power of Performance: All About Equipment Efficiency

    10.1 min read

    The Power of Performance: All About Equipment Efficiency We are connected to our equipment in our everyday lives. As [...]

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  • facade calculator, glazing calculator, performance solution, alternative solution, daylight modelling, cfd modelling, esd, bess, storm, sda report, smp report, energy compliance, energy efficiency, green star, jv3, nathers, star rating, vurb, nabers, gbca, ncc 2022, BCA

    NCC 2022 glazing requirements

    NCC 2022 glazing requirements

    12.4 min read

    NCC 2019 vs NCC 2022 Glazing Requirements: a Case Study This article outlines the most important changes regarding the [...]

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  • thermostat, thermostat location, Thermostatic radiator valve, heating demand, cooling demand, reducing energy bill, how to reduce energy bill, energy efficiency, VURB, JV3, thermal comfort, PMV, thermal comfort modelling, Section J, NCC, Part 3.12

    Thermostat: strategies to save on energy bills

    Thermostat: strategies to save on energy bills

    7.5 min read

    What can I do to reduce my energy bills? In Australian households, roughly 40% of energy use is directly [...]

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  • Impact of ceiling height on energy demand

    Impact of ceiling height on energy demand

    13.8 min read

    Impact of Ceiling Height on Building's Heating and Cooling Energy Demand In this parametric study, we have developed a [...]

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  • Parametric Thermal Modelling Study

    Parametric Thermal Modelling Study

    10.3 min read

    Reference Building Characteristics for Thermal Modelling Studies When Deemed to Satisfy provisions are costly to achieve, or impossible to [...]

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  • ESD report, energy assessment for building permit application, verification method, alternative solution, performance solution, NCC, BCA, energy efficiency, JV3 assessment, JV3 performance solution, VURB, verification using a reference building, Deemed to Satisfy, DTS, Section J, Performance Requirement, Green Star, thermal comfort, thermal modelling, thermal comfort modelling, PMV, PPD

    New Articles

    New Articles

    7.6 min read

    How to evaluate heat loss from pipe In following, h1 is the water thermal convection coefficient that varies with water [...]

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  • Partial compliance

    Partial energy compliance for existing buildings in Victoria

    Partial energy compliance for existing buildings in Victoria

    0 min read

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  • Use of thermal mass to reduce heating demand

    Use of thermal mass to reduce heating demand

    11.4 min read

    How thermal mass reduces heating demand? Building materials have a unique ability to absorb, store and release heat; This [...]

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  • Appliance energy use in commercial buildings

    Appliance energy use in commercial buildings

    4.5 min read

    Should we consider appliances energy use in our energy modelling? Appliances are an inseparable part of our day to [...]

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  • Common construction elements

    Common construction elements

    6.2 min read

    What are the Common Construction Elements? Construction elements and their dimensions are crucial in building design. Typically, these elements [...]

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  • Wind regions in Australia in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.2:2011

    Wind regions in Australia in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.2:2011

    0.4 min read

    The following map is extracted from AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 refers to the following 4 regions with refers to the following regions [...]

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  • Thermal bridging effect on energy efficiency

    Thermal bridging effect on energy efficiency

    9.8 min read

    How thermal bridging affects the building? In a roof or wall construction, where some areas have low thermal conductivity [...]

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  • U-value and SHGC tolerance for energy compliance

    U-value and SHGC tolerance for energy compliance

    3.9 min read

    What is the acceptable tolerance for window U-value and SHGC? Once the windows achieve compliance, it means that the [...]

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  • Green Star

    Comparison between Green Star & JV3 model

    Comparison between Green Star & JV3 model

    5.8 min read

    Can we use the Green Star model for JV2 or JV3 modelling? Whether you are willing to use the [...]

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  • facade requirements

    Green Star Building facade requirements

    Green Star Building facade requirements

    5.2 min read

    Green Star building facade must comply with the BCA requirements, no matter what! Green Star is a voluntary or [...]

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  • Shading device

    Shading device for commercial buildings

    Shading device for commercial buildings

    5.2 min read

    Shading device: light and warmth at your call Solar radiation has a major impact on thermal comfort and the [...]

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  • Solar PV

    Impact of renewable energy on energy compliance and ESD

    Impact of renewable energy on energy compliance and ESD

    4.7 min read

    Renewable energy: the way forward Renewable energy is energy generated from an infinite source like the sun. Renewable energy [...]

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  • NCC 2019

    NCC 2016 & NCC 2019 Comparison

    NCC 2016 & NCC 2019 Comparison

    5.6 min read

    What are the major contrasts between NCC 2016 & NCC 2019 Energy Efficiency provisions? As the Australian building market [...]

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  • Skylight

    Impact of Skylight on energy compliance using VURB

    Impact of Skylight on energy compliance using VURB

    4.2 min read

    Does adding skylight helps with energy compliance using VURB approach? The short answer is no. When applying the VURB [...]

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    ESD energy requirement for an office in Sydney

    ESD energy requirement for an office in Sydney

    2.8 min read

    The City of Sydney in its Development Control Plan (DCP 2012 - updated in Dec 2020) set a bold [...]

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  • NCC building classes (all you need to know!)

    NCC building classes (all you need to know!)

    22.6 min read

    National Construction Code (NCC) or BCA classifies buildings into 10 categories. The following table summarizes Energy Compliance Consultants' conception [...]

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  • insulating materials

    Thermal properties of insulating materials

    Thermal properties of insulating materials

    10.9 min read

    What insulation do I need? Whether you need to reduce your gas or electricity bills, get a building permit [...]

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  • Waffle Pod

    Waffle pod slab thermal resistance

    Waffle pod slab thermal resistance

    4.2 min read

    What is a waffle pod slab? Waffle slab is mainly a cost-effective structural element used in the construction of [...]

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