To undertake a JV3 assessment, you need to model your building in a 3D manner. After that, you must introduce your building fabric and shading features to the model and implement specific modelling parameters. NCC Vol 1.0, Section J, Specification JVb and JVc details these parameters and profiles for a JV3 assessment. You need to assign these parameters for your building, which in a JV3 modelling process is called “Proposed Model“. After that, you need to create a “Reference Model“, which has:

  • Same modelling profiles and parameters as the Proposed Model
  • Building fabric and services according to Section J requirements

To achieve energy compliance, ensure the greenhouse gas emissions of the Proposed Model is less than that of the Reference Model. You can also propose Solar PV system or any other renewable energy solutions for the proposed building. Renewables are beneficial for buildings with low-performing building fabric or windows.

Also, JV3 assessment demands a thermal comfort modelling and you must claim that your proposed solution doesn’t affect the occupant’s comfort in the building.