New Dwelling @ North Melbourne, VIC – VURB


Verification Using a Reference Building (VURB), NatHERS Rating

Our added value

We were engaged in the project to achieve energy compliance under NCC Vol 2.0. Filling the building fabric with insulation and having windows with an overall thermal performance of U2.6, granted the proposed building a 6-star, enough to achieve compliance through Deemed To Satisfy pathway. However, due to privacy matters, the building façade had to be covered with opaque screens. Applying the screens, the energy rating dropped to 5.4 stars and failed to comply with the energy efficiency requirements of the code.

To achieve cost-effective compliance, the client had to have a professional team undertake a VURB Performance Solution. Modelling tools used for this purpose, are accurate means to model the heat transfer physics of a building. Considering the reference building had the same screens and other shading features as the proposed building, this particular building, from the face of it, was obviously on track for compliance using the VURB method. We adjusted insulation and window thermal performance, which took us several iterations for an optimum solution to balance the heating and cooling demand. We completely got rid of the added rigid insulation to the slab and slab edges. With several more adjustments, we were able to achieve energy compliance by having windows with an overall U-value of U3.3 (a 27% increase), which greatly reduced construction costs.

verification method, alternative solution, performance solution, NCC, BCA, energy efficiency, JV3 assessment, JV3 performance solution, VURB, verification using a reference building, Deemed to Satisfy, DTS, Section J, Performance Requirement, energy assessment, thermal modelling, star rating, NatHERS rating
verification method, alternative solution, performance solution, NCC, BCA, energy efficiency, JV3 assessment, JV3 performance solution, VURB, verification using a reference building, Deemed to Satisfy, DTS, Section J, Performance Requirement, energy assessment, thermal modelling, star rating, NatHERS rating
verification method, alternative solution, performance solution, NCC, BCA, energy efficiency, JV3 assessment, JV3 performance solution, VURB, verification using a reference building, Deemed to Satisfy, DTS, Section J, Performance Requirement, energy assessment, thermal modelling, star rating, NatHERS rating
6 star energy rating , House rating, 6 star energy rating requirements, nathers star rating, nathers rating, energy rating report , 6-star energy rating requirements victoria, 6 star energy rating house, green 10 star home, 6 star energy rating victoria , nathers star bands , nathers certificate, deemed to satisfy
verification method, alternative solution, performance solution, NCC, BCA, energy efficiency, JV3 assessment, JV3 performance solution, VURB, verification using a reference building, Deemed to Satisfy, DTS, Section J, Performance Requirement, energy assessment, thermal modelling, star rating, NatHERS rating