Extension to a Commercial Building @ Sherwood, QLD – JV3 assessment

Sherwood JV3 Performance Solution 1


Commercial Deemed to Satisfy, JV3 assessment

Our added value

We were engaged to undertake JV3 pathway to achieve energy efficiency compliance for the proposed extension to an existing office building. Extensions were built without a permit and hence, we were required to perform a JV3 assessment and determine whether the extensions under current conditions could meet or exceed the NCC reference building requirements.

The added insulation to the new extensions was lower than the minimum required values described in the National Construction Code. The exposed floors of the office extensions certainly made it very difficult to achieve compliance since they were uninsulated. In addition to that, Louvres in front of the existing sliding doors were blocking the sunlight from the western side and therefore, the only contributing factor to the reduction of heating demand seemed to be the added insulation and the decrease in the overall window U-values. The client was not willing to undertake new work to the performing office areas and hence, all things put together, it seemed like the only remaining option was to add solar PV to offset the higher Greenhouse gas emission produced by the proposed building compared to the reference building.

Since the offices generally require a fair amount of electricity to operate during the workdays, a minimum of 1kW solar PV were proposed to be connected behind the meter.

Sherwood Energy Compliance NCC JV3 1
Sherwood JV3 model assessment 1
Sherwood JV3 model assessment 2