Proposed Residence @ Tuerong, VIC – VURB Performance Solution

Verification Using a Reference Building (VURB), Residential Deemed to Satisfy Provisions
Our added value
We were engaged to undertake a VURB Performance Solution to reduce the overall glazing cost of the project. The building design comprised large windows facing east and west. Due to this feature, complying SHGC of the windows was low and as a result, the overall U-value of the windows had to be decreased also (to reduce heating demand and to offset the impact of low SHGC). After many iterations, the only possible solution to a meaningful reduction of the glazing cost was to have a concrete slab on ground instead of a suspended timber floor. having this solution implemented, We could utilize the cool slab surface to reduce the cooling demand of the project and obtain an averaged U-value of U3.0 instead of U2.1. However, the client didn’t want to go ahead with this solution.
Since obtaining energy compliance seemed far using the verification method, we tried Deemed to Satisfy provisions and allowed adjustable shading devices over two windows that were subjected to a high annual solar heat gain. Finally, we managed to increase the overall U-values from U2.1 to U2.4 (a 15% increase).