• Star rating could not be used to obtain compliance for a Class 1b building.
  • Star rating compares your building with a Benchmark, that is a typical building in a similar climate.
  • Complexity and special features of your building could not be fully accounted for.
  • Heating and cooling demand of your building is compared to an area-adjusted heating and cooling demand of a Benchmark. Reducing cooling demand does not necessary mean that you now have a buffer to increase your heating demand, say, by installing a lower-cost window.
  • Physics of heat transfer (e.g. thermal mass, ground-coupling, thermal bridging, etc) could not be fully accounted for, using star-rating.
  • Impact of fixed shading on solar heat gain could not be fully calculated using star rating.
  • Time-dependent features such as operable shading devices and building’s stored heat in the ground below it, could not be fully implemented in the building model.

Using VURB method, all above limitations could be eliminated.