Proposed Replacement Dwelling @ Westwood, Tasmania

verification using a reference building, VURB, JV3, Alternative Solution, Performance Solution, DTS, Deemed to Satisfy, NCC, BCA, Glazing calculator, Section J, Part 3.12, Energy efficiency, Energy compliance
verification using a reference building, VURB, JV3, Alternative Solution, Performance Solution, DTS, Deemed to Satisfy, NCC, BCA, Glazing calculator, Section J, Part 3.12, Energy compliance, Energy efficiency


Verification Using a Reference Building (VURB)

Our added value

We were engaged to undertake a VURB Performance Solution to reduce the overall glazing cost of the project located in Westwood, TAS, which was non-compliant even with window overall U-values as low as U2.0. Daytime conditioned spaces comprised large windows mostly facing south. Also, the orientation of the house was NE-SW and thus, complying SHGC of the windows was low as a result. Lucky for the client, When undertaking VURB, NCC 2019 requires buildings in Climate Zone 7 to only consider heating demand as a metric for energy compliance. Therefore, we got to increase SHGC from 0.4 to 0.6 without concern for cooling demand. After several iterations, adding 50mm rigid insulation to the slab and filling ceiling and wall void spaces with insulation, we managed to increase overall window U-values from U2.0 to U3.8 and significantly save construction costs.

verification using a reference building, VURB, JV3, Alternative Solution, Performance Solution, DTS, Deemed to Satisfy, BCA, NCC, Glazing calculator, Section J, Part 3.12, Energy efficiency, Energy compliance
verification using a reference building, VURB, JV3, Alternative Solution, Performance Solution, DTS, Deemed to Satisfy, NCC, BCA, Glazing calculator, Section J, Energy efficiency, Energy compliance, Part 3.12
verification using a reference building, Energy efficiency, VURB, JV3, Alternative Solution, Performance Solution, DTS, Deemed to Satisfy, NCC, BCA, Glazing calculator, Section J, Energy compliance, Part 3.12
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