Through the Elemental approach, Torquay project upper floor glazing required U-value is calculated to be U1.29. Through VURB, The upper floor glazing area could be kept the same as architectural plans without a significant increase in glazing costs. We managed to obtain energy compliance for the glazing with an average U-value of 2.45.
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Through VURB pathway, construction cost was reduced by increasing average window U-values from U3.6 to U3.9.
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Through VURB pathway, glazing cost was reduced by increasing U-value from U3.0 to U3.5.
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Through daylight modelling, the building owner's claim regarding the overshadowing of the proposed neighbouring building is validated.
Through VURB, we were able to obtain energy compliance for the proposed new dwelling with U3.2 instead of U2.2